Help with information on studying medicine in Spain

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Help with information on studying medicine in Spain


Nuevo Miembro
Hola! Soy un Americano (naci y he crecido en California) con doble nacionalidad. Hice el BMAT Test y he sido admitido a la Universidad de Navarra al programa de medicina internacional. Estoy intentando saber si hay alguien que haya tenido la experiencia de estudiar la carrera de medicina en Espana y luego volver a Estados Unidos para hacer la residencia medica. Como fue vuestra experiencia?Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda.

Hi. I'm a dual citizen (Spain and US) student that got into the Universidad de Navarra medicine international program. I was born and always lived/studied in the US. My dream is to be a physician but in the US due to cost this would not be possible. I would like to go back to the US to do my residency once I finish my studies in Navarra. Any other US students or anyone that went to the US to do residency after studying medicine in Spain/Europe? How was your experience? Do you recommend it? Thanks!
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Hi. I'm a dual citizen (Spain and US) student that got into the Universidad de Navarra medicine international program. I was born and always lived/studied in the US. My dream is to be a physician but in the US due to cost this would not be possible. I would like to go back to the US to do my residency once I finish my studies in Navarra. Any other US students or anyone that went to the US to do residency after studying medicine in Spain/Europe? How was your experience? Do you recommend it? Thanks!
Hola, bienvenido al foro!!!
Hola! Soy un Americano (naci y he crecido en California) con doble nacionalidad. Hice el BMAT Test y he sido admitido a la Universidad de Navarra al programa de medicina internacional. Estoy intentando saber si hay alguien que haya tenido la experiencia de estudiar la carrera de medicina en Espana y luego volver a Estados Unidos para hacer la residencia medica. Como fue vuestra experiencia?Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda.

Hi. I'm a dual citizen (Spain and US) student that got into the Universidad de Navarra medicine international program. I was born and always lived/studied in the US. My dream is to be a physician but in the US due to cost this would not be possible. I would like to go back to the US to do my residency once I finish my studies in Navarra. Any other US students or anyone that went to the US to do residency after studying medicine in Spain/Europe? How was your experience? Do you recommend it? Thanks!
Welcome and congratulations on your acceptance in Navarra. My daughter is currently studying in California Y12, she did the regular admission test last week, regular decision will be communicated in May 17. I hope and I wish she is accepted so you can connect once you are in Navarra. Thanks!
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