(Anexo 8a)

12 Geary Road
Dollis Hill
London NS10 4HR
Tel: 0181-5597598
Tel/fax: 01235-025201
24 March 1997

Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Senior House Officer in Accident & Emergency, Aug 97, Ref. BCG/97

I am writing to you having read the details of the above vacancy. As a fully registered doctor with the GMC and being immunized against Hepatitis B, I am extremely interested in this post. It would be a real pleasure to form part of your A&E team.

I have decided to train as a Neurosurgeon in Britain and have chosen to start my Basic Surgical Training in August 97, by working in an approved SHO training post in Accident & Emergency Medicine. Over the next couple of years I aim to pass the MRCS exam, after which, I hope to train in a Specialist Registrar post in Neurosurgery.

Given my vocation for medicine and the satisfaction I get from having contact with patients, ever since the beginning of my medical career, I have concentrated not only on my academic training but have made every effort to maximize my practical training also. As a result of dedicating much of my spare time to working in different hospital departments on a voluntary basis, I have developed confidence in dealing with patients presenting with a wide range of emergency medical/surgical needs, through my work in Accident & Emergency Medicine and in addition, have acquired considerable experience in General Surgery and Neurosurgery.

The desire to make the most of my medical career has motivated me to want to train and work among the top professionals, with the best rules, highest professional conduct and the strongest discipline. This is why I decided to come to Great Britain to work at the vanguard of medicine and with those at the forefront of the world’s Neurosurgeons, hoping one day to join them and contribute my knowledge, skills and services to the National Health Service, as a Consultant Neurosurgeon.

I assure you that my skills and personality closely match the requirements of this post. I am committed to my work, am enthusiastic and always work as an active part of a team as I do not conceive medicine in any other way. I am “hungry” for information and keen to learn something from each member of staff at all levels. In addition I am extremely hard-working and caring towards patients. I can offer both manual dexterity and mental agility. I am a fast learner and capable of taking decisions responsibly and without deliberation. I can guarantee you that you would be proud to have me form part of your A&E team.

I thank you for considering my application and await your reply.

Yours faithfully

Dr C López

(Anexo 8b)

85 Linton Road
Oxford OX1 6OL
Tel/Fax: 01369-887896

11 November 1997
Dear Sir/Madam (Mrs Smith)
Re: SHO in Psychiatry, February 98, Ref. 93L97
Ever since I started at Medical School, I have wanted to train as a Psychiatrist, aspiring to specialise in Britain among the leaders in this field of medicine and within the world-famous National Health Service.  I lived in England for two years (1990-92), gaining fluency in the English language and enjoying the British culture and way of life.
I have pleasure in enclosing my C.V., from which you will observe that before moving to Oxford I worked for nearly a year under Dr Barcia – Consultant Psychiatrist and Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry. I thoroughly enjoyed my work and although I learned a great deal from this brilliant professional (and admirable person), I am now extremely eager to further my Psychiatric knowledge and skills and am very excited about the prospect of doing so in this country. As part of my training I will be preparing for the  MRCPsych examination. You will note also that I have experience in Accident & Emergency, Orthopaedics & Trauma and General Practice, which I am sure will be of great value to me as a SHO in
I do very much hope you will invite me for interview, giving me the chance to prove to you in person that I am the right candidate for this post. I work hard, with enthusiasm and a great sense of responsibility. I have good inter-personal skills and really enjoy contact with patients and their relatives. I would very much like to work as part of your team and can assure you that you would not regret your decision if you decided to appoint me.
I am eligible for Full GMC Registration. My documents are currently being translated into English and will be presented in London later this week. I would be happy to provide you with evidence of my immunity to Hepatitis B if required.
Yours faithfully (sincerely)
Dr M A Garcia


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