Med School Style [Gangnam Style Med Parody] – NYMC Class of 2016


Parodia de Gangnam Style, creado por la promoción 2016 del Medical College de Nueva York.

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Med school M1 style
M1 style

Buyin’ my scrubs and scope I’m runnin’ out of money
I’ve only got the time for two, it’s study, sleep or party
Hope my diagnostic skills don’t turn out to be lethal
Wear my white coat to fight evil

Smell like formaldehyde
‘Cuz my cadaver is my best friend
Use Grants as my guide
When lectures leave me at my wits end
I apologize
‘Cuz when I don’t know I just pretend
Is that pneumothorax? Well I’ll just pretend

First day of classes, and I be gunnin’
Save me a seat, Hey! I won’t be beat, Hey!

Next week in lecture, I update Facebook
And then pass out, Hey! Without a doubt, Hey!
But it’s just biostats, so relax and chill out (out out out)

Med school M1 style
M1 style
Med school M1 style
M1 style
Twenty Sixteen
Med school M1 style

We study daily
Up in the mods
Med school M1 style
I scored an ninety
On the exam
eh eh eh eh eh eh

Monday through Friday the mods feel like a blizzard
On weekends I wear oven mitts and I become a lizard
In the shower, gym and bed, I’m always listening to Camtasias
Then my brain gets hyperplasia

Got ballistics gel
To study penetrating trauma
Prof just drew a mouse
It looks just like a teratoma
Can’t see anything
I gotta adjust my condenser
Is that microvilli? No it’s cilia

When I’m a doctor, good health I’ll foster
I’ll be well know, Hey! Pay off my loans, Hey!

After med school, I’ll find a girlfriend
Babe can’t you see, Hey! Here’s my degree, Hey!
She’ll be all over me like my PPE (e e e)

Med school M1 style
M1 style
Med school M1 style
M1 style
Twenty Sixteen
Med school M1 style

We study daily
Up in the mods
Med school M1 style
My brain is hazy
O o o o
eh eh eh eh eh eh

Let me see, is that hypertrophy
‘orta overridin’ and a VSD
Let me see, stenosis just maybe
Bluish baby, this must be tetralogy
You know what I’m saying
Med school M1 style
eh eh eh eh eh eh

We study daily
Up in the mods
Med School M1 style
We’re goin’ crazy
O o o o
eh eh eh eh eh eh
Med school M1 style

Guys, Histo grades are up

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