LMGMO ft. Dr. Naasty – Study Rock Anthem – NYMC Class of 2015


Parodia de Party Rock Anthem de LMFAO, creado por el Medical College de Nueva York en 2015 y Dan Sammartano.

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Study rockin’ in the mods tonight.
Everybody get the answers right.
Med school will make you lose your mind.
I just hope I pay my loans on time.

We’ll be crammin’ in the lab tonight.
Cannot wait for post-exam bar night.
Wish I was not so far behind.
We just wanna see ya… pass that.

In the lab practical, is that a nerve or a vessel?
Don’t get CTs or x-rays; rads right is never the same.
Where the blade? I gots to know. Got gloves and scrubs and I’m ready to roll.
Pravetz, Peters, and Seghal, gave the lecture and let us go.

Yo, I’m sleepin’ in the mods for histo,
I got them microscope slides, readin’ Ross, cell bio.
We study rock. Yeah, the scribes they be typin’.
When we don’t go to class, on them we relyin’, hey.

Study rockin’ in the mods tonight.
Everybody get the answers right.
Med school will make you lose your mind.
I just hope I pay my loans on time.

We’ll be crammin’ in the lab tonight.
Cannot wait for post-exam bar night.
Wish I was not so far behind.
We just wanna see ya… pass that.

Everyday I’m studyin’.

So be fast. The test is timed; if you’re slow you won’t pass.
In FCM, we’re percussing some abs. Now stop–your technique is bad.

Lots more tests for us, the miniboards.
Gonna be usin’ this stuff soon in the wards.
I’ll have to pay these loans but don’t know how.
I just wanna be a doctor now.

We have a blast (yea). ‘Cause to get an MD all you gotta do is pass. We’ll show you where the party starts (study rock). And what really goes down late night in the mods. Our pages we flippin, our notes extensively written, venti from starbucks we sippin’,
rippin’ the beat up like Littman. So when the test time comes and the music don’t bump, just flex that dance like the elbow to the thumb. Cause where we from (yea) 2015 flosses. So depress and elevate your acromial process, depress and elevate your acromial process, elevate your acromial process. Party rock ‘round the clock’s how we gonna survive, and you won’t forget the class of 2015.

Study rockin’ in the mods tonight.
Everybody get the answers right.
Med school will make you lose your mind.
I just hope I pay my loans on time.

We’ll be crammin’ in the lab tonight.
Cannot wait for post-exam bar night.
Wish I was not so far behind.
We just wanna see ya… pass that.

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