Info: Problemas Acceso Foro + Situacion Actual

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Info: Problemas Acceso Foro + Situacion Actual


Miembro del equipo
Contactos Residentes
Hola a todos,

Como todos sabeis el Foro de esta creciendo de manera muy rapida, ya somos muchos usuarios y por esto el Foro esta empezando a dar de nuevo problemas, ayer y hoy.. no para salir el mensaje "Servicio Temporalmente Indisponible", la razon es simplemente que el Hosting donde esta alojado el Foro y el Portal Web esta saturado de CPU, Base de datos y Trafico... y afecta a otros Dominios alojados.

SiteGround directamente me han dicho que esto no puede seguir asi y me obligan a pagar mensualmente 100$ si quiero seguir con dominio ( Foro+Portal ).

He puesto muchas medidas en el Foro para intentar compensar esta sobrecarga pero no quieren entrar en alternativas al vps... segun ellos la unica solucion es que les pague los 100$ mensuales o en 48 horas nos suspenden la cuenta, lo cual considero un abuso por su parte. Con lo cual los 100$ como es logico no estoy en posicion de pagarlos, con lo cual estoy intentando hacer un backup y buscar otras opciones, pero la cosa esta dificl, asi como el que me devuelavn el año que tengo pagado con ellos. Para mi esto es un abuso, una estafa, si yo cambio el sistema y no producimos sobrecarga no veo el porque nos han de suspender la cuenta, pero esta claro quieren mas dinero y son incapaces de ofrecer lo que prometen...

en resumen que la cosa esta fastidiadilla, y si en 48h aparece site suspended, no os asusteis, es que estaremos migrando a otro sistio a ver que sucede

y tendremos que plantearnos el poner publicidad para costear los gastos del servidor (aunque no suelen pagar una kk, pero bueno ya veremos)


Me estoy planteando una posible decision... siento si no podeis acceder al Foro, por ahora no pueda hacer nada mas que informaros de la situacion.

Saludos cordiales
Administrador del Foro

Nota: Os adjunto el aviso de corte del proveedor de Hosting:

Mensaje SiteGround

Subject: Server overload caused by your account
Description: Dear Victor,

During the last 24 hours SiteGround has detected that your account has overloaded the server several times due to the fact that it produces too much slow queries to the MySQL server. Therefore your website takes more than 7 seconds to load and with more than 10 people trying to load it simultaneously the shared server load is seriously increased.

This makes your account potentially dangerous for the other users hosted on a shared server. To minimize the negative impact of this event we have temporary limited the number of simultaneous connections allowed to your website. This may result in occasional server error messages displayed to your website visitors.

The shared hosting service is NO longer appropriate for your website needs. We strongly recommend that you consider a dedicated hosting solution for your website. In order to continue to use SiteGround hosting services for you need to upgrade your account to a VPS service in the next 48 hours. We believe that the VPS is the appropriate solution for you as you will not have to share resources with other users. Please note that for the special needs of your website, we strongly recommend you to upgrade to the Elite or the Professional VPS. The upgrade can be done from your Extra Features section in your Customer Area.

Best regards,

SiteGround System Administrators
Pues mira que bien....

Los del servidor siempre dando problemas

Bueno, tomes la decisión que tomes te apoyaremos

Un saludo
Este servidor ya llevaba poniendo pegas y retrasando un buen servicio desde hace tiempo, ¿me equivoco? Seguro que encuentras una buena opción, que no cunda el pánico. :| Ya nos contarás en qué queda la cosa. Para lo que necesites, cuenta conmigo.
Un saludo
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later

Esta irritante frase se ha convertido, a día de hoy y por desgracia en nuestra insoportable canción del verano xD
(Creo que ya le he visto más veces que "Los micrófonos" de Tata Golosa)

En fin, si el servidor no me deja tirado precisamente ahora, dejo este mensaje para que el resto del equipo (especialmente Casimedicos, que es el que tiene la parte más grande del marrón) sepa que dispone de mi apoyo y mi ayuda si la precisan (si no podeis contactarme por aquí, utilizad el correo) :wink:

Saludos, y reitero mi apoyo a la decisión del webmaster.
PD: para colgar este mensaje he tenido que apretar 31 veces el boton "enviar" jaja

como os he dicho no dan opciones

tenemos 24 horas para hacer backup y migrar o a un vps con ellos por 100$ al mes o a otro lado el problema es que son tan h... de p..., que han bloqueado la opcion backup del panel de control y via ftp es imposible, en 48 horas ni loco da tiempo y con estos continuso cortes que nos ponen por sus restricciones como que imposible

con lo cual estoy viendo precios

y otra cosa a la que no responden es a si me van a devolver el año pagado

2007-08-02 06:32am by Niko - Hello Victor,

As you already know from our Terms of Use, which you have agreed upon the initial sign-up process:

Service Cancellation by The Company

The Company may cancel any of its services immediately with no prior notice and with no refund, if the Company determines in good faith that Customer's use of the service violates the terms of use. The Company cannot be held liable for loss of data in case of such a cancellation.

The Company may also cancel any of its services, if the Company determines in good faith that this service has become impractical or unfeasible for any technical, legal, regulatory or other reason, by giving Customer as much prior notice as reasonably practicable.

The Company may also cancel the Linux Shared Hosting service used by the customer for any or no reason with a 7-day prior notice. After the 7-day period the Customer Account will be terminated and the Company will provide access to an archived backup copy of the Customer?s account content as of the termination date. The backup copies will be accessible for up to 7 calendar days. All backup copies, as well as any other information or data, associated with the account will be deleted from the Company?s servers after the 7-day period for accessing the archived back up copy.

In case of Linux Hosting Account Cancellation by the Company for a reason different from violation by the Customer of the Terms of Use, the Company will issue a refund for all the months, for which the account is prepaid and will not be used by the Customer. The amount of the refund will be calculated by multiplying the number of the unused months by the pre-paid monthly price applicable for the Customer?s billing cycle. The Company will act in good faith to offer several options for receiving the refund; however it is the Customer?s sole responsibility to provide the needed information for receiving the refund

If you need any further assistance, please, do not hesitate to contact us again.

Best Regards,

Support Team
2007-08-02 06:54am by casimedi - i am upset

Which are the reasons for you to try and force me to migrate to a VPS? If I assure you I'll migrate to a more effecient system or/and if you don't bring my money back in the case I put only html files into my site, then you wouldn't have an excuse to say I overload your servers.
Your message seems illogical to me especially because you only give 48 hours to leave. The Backup botton in my Control Panel is deactivated.

and in this text you say 7 days no 48 hours

then.... �?
2007-08-02 07:04am by Niko - Hello Victor,

I understand your point of view completely. The reason for such actions from our end is the violation of Our Terms of Use, which your site conducted. Note that we are not forcing you to upgrade your account to a VPS, because you are given an alternative.

We have very strict policy about the violations of our Terms of Use and that is why, we are not willing to male any exceptions in situations like this, since they might re-occur in the future.

The 7 days period, which is mentioned above means that after this period your files will be deleted from our server, while the 48 hours period is for suspension of your account only. Thus, the files will be kept on the server, 5 days after the suspension of the account.

If you need any further assistance, please, do not hesitate to contact us again.

Best Regards,

Support Team
2007-08-02 08:51am by casimedi - ok

this is incredible, ....
i do not violate any terms, if you say you overload server, i can delete the script do a bacckup and use your host to other things
but is your deccission

then i am waiting your reply for...
1. how to refund my money? (i have pay until july 2008)
2. how to do a backup? (you have blocked tha backup option in cpanel)


como os he dicho no dan opciones

tenemos 24 horas para hacer backup y migrar o a un vps con ellos por 100$ al mes o a otro lado el problema es que son tan h... de p..., que han bloqueado la opcion backup del panel de control y via ftp es imposible, en 48 horas ni loco da tiempo y con estos continuso cortes que nos ponen por sus restricciones como que imposible

con lo cual estoy viendo precios

y otra cosa a la que no responden es a si me van a devolver el año pagado

2007-08-02 06:32am by Niko - Hello Victor,

As you already know from our Terms of Use, which you have agreed upon the initial sign-up process:

Service Cancellation by The Company

The Company may cancel any of its services immediately with no prior notice and with no refund, if the Company determines in good faith that Customer's use of the service violates the terms of use. The Company cannot be held liable for loss of data in case of such a cancellation.

The Company may also cancel any of its services, if the Company determines in good faith that this service has become impractical or unfeasible for any technical, legal, regulatory or other reason, by giving Customer as much prior notice as reasonably practicable.

The Company may also cancel the Linux Shared Hosting service used by the customer for any or no reason with a 7-day prior notice. After the 7-day period the Customer Account will be terminated and the Company will provide access to an archived backup copy of the Customer?s account content as of the termination date. The backup copies will be accessible for up to 7 calendar days. All backup copies, as well as any other information or data, associated with the account will be deleted from the Company?s servers after the 7-day period for accessing the archived back up copy.

In case of Linux Hosting Account Cancellation by the Company for a reason different from violation by the Customer of the Terms of Use, the Company will issue a refund for all the months, for which the account is prepaid and will not be used by the Customer. The amount of the refund will be calculated by multiplying the number of the unused months by the pre-paid monthly price applicable for the Customer?s billing cycle. The Company will act in good faith to offer several options for receiving the refund; however it is the Customer?s sole responsibility to provide the needed information for receiving the refund

If you need any further assistance, please, do not hesitate to contact us again.

Best Regards,

Support Team
2007-08-02 06:54am by casimedi - i am upset

Which are the reasons for you to try and force me to migrate to a VPS? If I assure you I'll migrate to a more effecient system or/and if you don't bring my money back in the case I put only html files into my site, then you wouldn't have an excuse to say I overload your servers.
Your message seems illogical to me especially because you only give 48 hours to leave. The Backup botton in my Control Panel is deactivated.

and in this text you say 7 days no 48 hours

then.... �?
2007-08-02 07:04am by Niko - Hello Victor,

I understand your point of view completely. The reason for such actions from our end is the violation of Our Terms of Use, which your site conducted. Note that we are not forcing you to upgrade your account to a VPS, because you are given an alternative.

We have very strict policy about the violations of our Terms of Use and that is why, we are not willing to male any exceptions in situations like this, since they might re-occur in the future.

The 7 days period, which is mentioned above means that after this period your files will be deleted from our server, while the 48 hours period is for suspension of your account only. Thus, the files will be kept on the server, 5 days after the suspension of the account.

If you need any further assistance, please, do not hesitate to contact us again.

Best Regards,

Support Team
2007-08-02 08:51am by casimedi - ok

this is incredible, ....
i do not violate any terms, if you say you overload server, i can delete the script do a bacckup and use your host to other things
but is your deccission

then i am waiting your reply for...
1. how to refund my money? (i have pay until july 2008)
2. how to do a backup? (you have blocked tha backup option in cpanel)

Pero qué morro tienen......

A ver si te contestan rápido a tu último mensaje..

[quote user="Gon" post="14345"]Pero qué morro tienen......

A ver si te contestan rápido a tu último mensaje..


suerte casimedicos y recuerda tu puedes.

Que h..... de p....... Te obligan a cambiar de cuenta, se quedan tu dinero, y además no te permiten hacer copias de seguridad.... Lo de la copia de seguridad, en cierta manera es salvable. Supongo que el problema estará en la base de datos, así que en lugar de recurrir a descargar una copia de seguridad, puedes acceder a cada entrada e ir copiandala manualmente. El problema es que en tan poco tiempo es practicamente imposible. Yo lo hice una vez, pero tardé bastante (en mi caso es que no encontraba el boton de copia de seguridad, era un novato xD)
tranquilos, arcaicamente, pero he hecho la copia de seguridad, si queria la propia, pues tenia que pagar 25$ y aun encima de que no me reembolsaban el dinero no les iba a pagar mas

en cuanto al servidor, logre que no nos eliminasen la cuenta, con lo cual lo usaremos como servidor secundario

pero bueno
poco a poco iremos migrando las secciones
por ahora el foro ya esta activo

Hola, en primer lugar quería agradecerte que estés dedicando tu tiempo y tu dinero a mantener este foro que tan útil nos resulta a todos y que tantos problemas te está dando especialmente en un momento en que debes andar a cien preparandote para el mir. Es increíble lo de SiteGround, sobre todo lo del backup! En fin, visto como actúan esos tipejos, decirte por mi parte que ánimo y muchas gracias por todo.
pero creeme no son de los peores
estos al menos dan la cara y responden

que en estos años nos las hemos tenido que ir viendo con servicios de todo tipo

saludos y poco a poco iremos reactivando todo

al mal tiempo buena cara :)