El texto, según lo que yo entiendo con ese peazo acento italiano, dice:
-Oh, hello dear, hello dear, how are you? Yes, yes, you are here for your virtual haircut! Yes, yes, OK, I will go get Luigi, he will come and cut your hair. Ah, men, wait, just stay right there...Ah...Luigi! Luigi! There's a man right here, he's _____ here for your virtual haircut, you'd better come off. [Algo que no distingo de Luigi] He's coming out right now, and meanwhile I will go over here and play the music, the guitar, because that is what I do here at the barbershop.
- Ah, it's so nice to see you. Welcome to the Starky ________ barbershop and your virtual haircut. I'd like to start a demonstration by moving over to your right head side and by keeping up this bag. If you just hold still for a sec, I'll put this bag over your head. Just like that. The bag over the top of the hair. And now I'll pick the bag to the top... There we go. The only reason I did that is because all of the fancy barbershops do that. What you're listening to is I move over to your right, here, and I very quickly wash my hands... [riiing] Oh Menwel, could you get that, please?
- Yes, yeah...
- Ah, thank you Mendwel [o como se llame xD]. Well, let me finish washing my hands here, just _____ two more seconds. Oh, yes, as I was saying, all we are doing is using your head [toc toc] as the listening point. And we have two microphones, one on either side of the head, in the same position as where you left and your right ears are. Your brain [cerebro] is doing all of the work, telling you where the sounds are coming from. OK, I'll go get the scissors. Oh, it's a nice sharp. Now, let's begin at____ and I bring the ____ closer to your ear. Very close to your right ear...follow me as I move around the back of the head to the left ear...and up and over the top over the head. OK. You can get the same effect or better with the electric razer. At first i bring it close to your right ear...isn't it perfect?...and around the back...and under your left. I think that that looks wonderful! Mendwel, what do you think?
- [gruñidos] Oh, yes, yes, it looks wonderful Luigi. You do such nice work.
- Ah, thank you so much Mendwel.
- So fast, too!
- Now, as I walk around, I just want to tell you once more that your ability to hear where I am, as I walk around the room, is simply the amazing power of you brain! Calculating the tiny differences or ___ in sound intensity and arrival time from two open ears. And unlike any other hearing instrument, only ONE has the digital algorithm that ____ all physical presence in the ear to fully restore those differences. That algorithm is called _____. Well, thank you! Thank you so much for stopping by the Starky virtual barbershop. Goodbye and arrivederci!
Ryuu dijo:
Uff, que repeluz, jeje, cuando me ha estado "lavando" el pelo me ha entrado ganas de mear y todo.
Ryuu, no te lava el pelo, sino que él se lava las manos