Actualizacion de servidor programada para jueves 5 julio

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Actualizacion de servidor programada para jueves 5 julio


Miembro del equipo
Contactos Residentes
como habreis comprobado en los ultimos dias, hemos tendo alguna que otra sobrecarga del servidor,

acabamos de recibir aviso de la empresa donde tenemos contratado el alojamiento de este sitio que tienen programada una actualizacion del servidor para solucionarlo, e instalar una maquina mas potente y eficiente mañana jueves 5 de julio


** The transfer of your account will be performed on Thursday, July 05, 2007.

** There will be no information loss during the transfer, however, we strongly recommends that you do not perform any changes on your website starting from Wednesday, July 04, 2007 until the transfer is completed.

con lo cual si se pierde algun mensaje durante el proceso o hay fallos de conexion temporales ya sabeis los motivos

si tras ello detectais algun fallo no dudeis en avisar ya sea por esta via o por email

transferencia completa

The transfer of your host server was successfully completed. Your account(s) is now working smoothly on the new machine.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during the transfer. We do our best to provide you with high quality hosting service!

como vereis tras la actualizacion de lo que han dicho
Your new server is an Intel Woodcrest 5130 Dual Core with 4GB RAM. The new server will increase significantly the quality of our service in the following aspects:

** the new server will be more powerful and your site will load faster;
** the server configuration will allow future upgrades of space and traffic;
** the new hard drives are larger (more space) and faster (better performance for your site).
nada de nada

mas bien continuos fallos de conexion, al menos a mi me va mucho peor que antes

ya he preguntado y lo unico que me han contestado es lo siguiente
Dear customer,

Currently, there is a problem with your host server which may affect temporarily the performance of your website. Our administrators are aware of the issue and are investigating the problem. They work as quickly as possible together with the technicians from our data center to restore the service back to normal.

We will keep you updated on the progress of our work by posting regular messages in the Server Status Check section. Please do not post tickets regarding your account. We will do everything possible to quickly restore service.

Best regards,

asi que tened paciencia y confiemos en que lo solucionen pronto
mientras hay que aguantar estos inconvenientes
bueno a ver si es cierto
There has been a maintenance work going on your host server within the last 30 minutes. Our system administrators have already finished it and there are no known problems at the current moment.

We would like to kindly ask you to check your website again
sí, tienes razón, estos últimos días está esto muy sobrecargado y con muchos errores de conexión.
a ver si ahora, que parece ir mucho mejor tras la actualización, es ya notoria la mejora.